ColoQuick Int.

Ulvevej 28
7800 Skive

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

When you have made an order, you will receive an automatically processed order confirmation by email. Your order is not approved before you have received an invoice based on your specific terms from our office team.

If there are any products out of stock, causing a longer delivery times than normal, we will let you know as soon as possible.

You can follow the process for your order in “My account” in the “Orders” menu.

The shipping cost depends on the time factor, physical characteristics and the chosen type of transport (truck, airplane or ship). Therefore, we retrieve the best possible price from our freight company for each order. The price for this freight and any customs duties will be displayed on your invoice.

Please make a note in “Order Notes” if you need an express order.

If you have an agreement for a discount, this will appear on your invoice. You received your invoice when the office team has processed your order request.

You must always pay the invoice through your bank – just as you have always done.

We require prepayment for all machines, unless you have a specific dealer agreement. Please note, we do not ship any machines before payment has been received. Other products are net 14 days after the order has been shipped. You can follow the process for your order in “My account” in the “Orders” menu.

General delivery time in Europe is within 7 working days.  Should the delivery time exceed 7 working days you will be notified. Spare parts will usually be shipped within one day. If you need the order to be shipped Express, please tell us in “Order notes”.

If you want more information about your order and delivery time, please make a note in “Order Notes” and we will contact you within 24 hours.

All the prices on the online shop are updated and are always the current prices. We retain the rights to increase product prices in accordance to inflation in the market. If you have a different price list in hand, please note, that these are no longer valid.

We process all your personal data, as the required by EU-GDPR.

Please read coloQuick International A/S Privacy Policy for more information.

Send us an email

    We endeavor to answer all messages within 1-2 working days.

    We are dedicated to deliver the best service to our customers and dealers.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Brian Pedersen
    Phone: (+45) 20 32 73 33

    Valeriia Yermak
    Sales Manager
    Phone: (+45) 20 66 00 91

    Rikke Pedersen
    Sales and Logistics
    Phone: (+45) 71 91 88 55

    Katrine Fynbo
    Sales Executive
    Phone: (+45) 23 44 69 92

    Bieke de Bruijn
    Sales Executive
    Phone: (+45) 50 52 04 14

    Alvin Zhang

    Phone: (+86) 139 1871 3606

    Gabriel Frainer

    Phone: +1 778 512 6463